Hello my friend!
I´m so sorry for I don´t have written on a time, but I´m so tired and much has happen and I file no energy to written when thinks happen.  I can´t promise you to written every day now, but I want to tray.
In this week not fun has happened I have only been in the school and tanning on the gym of course.
And now I want to go the bed and sleep, tomorrow is a new day!
See ya!
// Elly-J
Hello my friend!
Today noting fun has happened; I have been in the school and train in the gym. I has taken some image on the puppy we going to sale. I has taken a walk whit my sisters and the dogs.
Tomorrow are the school and I´m going in the school 16:20, not fun. But I want to go a bed now.
Hello my friend!
Yesterday I was looking at horse-rider and the was fun, but I miss to rid my horses. But he is not home. Â If you have read the blog post before this can you see imaged from equestrian competition. There were not many pictures but there was some.
Today I don´t know what I’m going to do, but I thinking go to take a walk or running anyway I have very boring! Tomorrow I´m start the day to training in the gym! But now I’m don´t know what I’m going to do, I can’t sit here and written many shit.
// Elly-J